Cavities Q & A: Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know Dental Decay

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Oh, the dreaded cavity. These little areas of decay can start out as a minor issue. But, if they go untreated for too long, then cavities can become a big problem. Indeed, they can make life miserable for patients. Luckily, there are plenty of things our Fairfield dentist can do to help you treat and prevent dental decay.

Do you think that you might have a cavity? Don’t wait for a second longer – call Dr. Gary Horblitt in Fairfield, CT, today to see how we can help you. Patients can easily reach us at (203) 335-1011 to request advice or appointments anytime.

If you are prone to cavities, then stick around. In today’s blog post, we answer some of your questions about cavities so that you can better understand why they develop. Knowing how and why dental decay occurs can help you prevent it in the future.

What are cavities?

Cavities are areas of dental decay on the teeth. Most commonly, they start out as tiny holes in our dental enamel. The bacteria that naturally live in our mouths are usually responsible for creating these tiny holes.

So, how do the bacteria in our mouths create these small holes? Well, they produce waste. And that waste is acidic.

Unfortunately, acidic byproducts that sit on our teeth for extended periods can easily dissolve our protective tooth enamel over time. And once this happens, it leaves our teeth entirely vulnerable to bacteria and decay.

Why do I get so many cavities?

There may be many reasons why patients are prone to cavities, such as:

  • A genetic predisposition
  • Bacterial overgrowth in the mouth
  • Lack of sufficient saliva to keep the mouth moist
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • A high-sugar diet
  • Frequent acid reflux
  • Certain medical conditions, including dry mouth, diabetes, pregnancy, and eating disorders
  • Some medications, such as antihistamines, antipsychotics, opioids, blood pressure medications, and nasal decongestants

Cavities can develop for one, some, or all of these reasons. A trusted dental professional may be able to help you pinpoint the exact cause.

How can I tell if I have a cavity?

Sometimes, patients are completely unaware that they have a cavity. Knowing the subtle signs of cavities could help you get swift and proactive treatment. Here’s what to look for:

  • New black, brown, white, or yellow spots on the teeth
  • Noticeable grooves or pits in the teeth
  • Frequent tooth sensitivity or toothaches
  • Pain when biting down
  • Sensitivity to hot, cold, and sugary treats

If you begin developing any of these symptoms, then contact a dentist as soon as possible.

How can I prevent cavities?

There are plenty of things you can do to prevent cavities, including:

  • Using fluoride-containing or remineralizing toothpastes
  • Drinking water throughout the day
  • Brushing after snacks and meals (or at least twice daily)
  • Flossing at least once a day
  • Eating calcium-rich foods
  • Chewing sugarless gum
  • Visiting a general dentist at least twice a year for routine checkups

Cavity Treatment in Fairfield, CT

Nearly one in four American adults currently have an active cavity. Are you one of them? If so, get the care you need with Dr. Gary Horblitt in Fairfield, CT. Schedule an appointment with our team online here or at (203) 335-1011.