Full Mouth Reconstruction: Do you need it?

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Some people come to us fearing that their teeth are beyond repair. Truthfully, virtually all smiles can be repaired in experienced hands. So, don’t give up hope! Full Mouth Reconstruction describes the art of combining various dental procedures to rehabilitate the health, function, comfort, and shape of the teeth. Dr. Gary Horblitt designs Full Mouth Reconstruction treatment plans with function and beauty in mind.

Do you think that your smile can’t be fixed? Continue reading. Here are the top five reasons why people come to our Fairfield, CT office believing that their dental imperfections cannot be corrected. (But, leave pleasantly surprised.)

1.     Gum Disease

Gum disease is a bacterial infection of the gingival tissue and is incredibly common in adults. Though it can be reversed if caught in its early stages, gum disease only worsens with a lack of treatment. Advanced stages of this condition can lead to extensive decay, receding gums, loose teeth, and bone loss. You may require more than one restorative treatment, depending on your oral health status.

2.     Enamel Erosion

Even though enamel is the hardest substance in the body, it’s still prone to breaking down chemically and physically. For instance, exposing your teeth to acid softens, erodes, and cracks your teeth collectively. The most common sources of acid exposure are acidic drinks (such as soda) and stomach acid (including patients who have GERD or another condition that induces vomiting). Conversely, people may physically break down enamel by unconsciously grinding their teeth.

Because tooth erosion affects many teeth at once, a chain reaction occurs. So, a skilled dentist may combine treatments to bring back your pearly whites.

3.     Trauma

It’s nearly impossible to prevent an accident. Serious falls, sports injuries, and car accidents can be a part of your life’s journey that may cause you to be a casualty with loose, broken, or knocked-out teeth. If this resonates with you, it’s worth visiting a specialist that can help restore your smile.

4.     Misaligned Bite

When you place your top and bottom row of teeth together, does it fit comfortably? If your bite is not harmonious, it starts a ripple effect throughout the mouth. For example, your jaw muscles may constantly struggle to find a perfect position. Consequently, your jaw probably tends to feel sore and exhausted. Also, you may suffer from clenching and grinding your jaw, which will wear down your enamel. This cluster of problems only stops when you rebuild your bite to hold the jaw in its correct position.

5.     Inferior Restorative Work

Ironically, your smile’s worst enemy can be the dentist who was trying to protect it. Unfortunately, dental prosthetics and restorations that do not fit correctly can do more harm than good.

Instead of second-guessing your existing restorations, speak with a trusted specialist. Fairfield Maxillofacial Prosthodontist, Dr. Horblitt, opened his dental specialty practice in 1984 and continues to serve our community. He is experienced in dealing with restorative treatments in varying complexities and can improve previous, subpar work.

Choose Dr. Gary Horblitt for Your Fairfield Full Mouth Reconstruction

If you have any or a combination of the previously mentioned oral health conditions, a Full Mouth Reconstruction may be precisely what the doctor orders! Reach out to Dr. Horblitt to discover how he can help your mouth function and feel as good as it looks. Delaying treatment can lead to more extensive treatment down the road. So, call (203) 335-1011 or message us online as soon as possible!